Kauppakamarilehti tarttuu yritysten menestystä vauhdittaviin aiheisiin Helsingin seudulla. Neljä kertaa vuodessa ilmestyvä verkkolehti syventyy seudullisiin teemoihin ja taustoittaa ajankohtaisia ilmiöitä.


According to Zahra Alijani and Yen Tran, the best way to learn Finnish is to speak it with other employees while working.
Acquiring Finnish language skills quickly alongside work
Employees with an immigrant background learn Finnish well when they are encouraged and given the opportunity...
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According to Zahra Alijani and Yen Tran, the best way to learn Finnish is to speak it with other employees while working.
Acquiring Finnish language skills quickly alongside work
Employees with an immigrant background learn Finnish well when they are encouraged and given the opportunity...
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