Kauppakamarilehti tarttuu yritysten menestystä vauhdittaviin aiheisiin Helsingin seudulla. Neljä kertaa vuodessa ilmestyvä verkkolehti syventyy seudullisiin teemoihin ja taustoittaa ajankohtaisia ilmiöitä.

article in English

According to Zahra Alijani and Yen Tran, the best way to learn Finnish is to speak it with other employees while working.
Acquiring Finnish language skills quickly alongside work
Employees with an immigrant background learn Finnish well when they are encouraged and given the opportunity...
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Tapani Salminen (oik.) johtaa Vantaalla Vaisalan instrumenttitehdasta, jonka työntekijöistä lähes viidennes on muita kuin kantasuomalaisia. Mohammed Soliman vetää tiimiä, jossa on kansainvälisiä osaajia 14 maasta.
Good practices accelerate international recruitment
International recruitment to alleviate the talent shortage should take advantage of the experiences gained...
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Liikennenäkymä Helsingistä auton peilin kautta. Kauppakamarilehti 3/2023.
Traffic and pedestrian areas need to be balanced in central Helsinki
Companies are satisfied with the expansion of the pedestrian areas in central Helsinki as long as good...
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Kansainväliset osaajat, Kauppakamarilehti
Fixing the entire chain of work-based immigration
The processing of permits for work-based immigration is speeding up. However, the entire chain from the...
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According to Zahra Alijani and Yen Tran, the best way to learn Finnish is to speak it with other employees while working.
Acquiring Finnish language skills quickly alongside work
Employees with an immigrant background learn Finnish well when they are encouraged and given the opportunity...
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Tapani Salminen (oik.) johtaa Vantaalla Vaisalan instrumenttitehdasta, jonka työntekijöistä lähes viidennes on muita kuin kantasuomalaisia. Mohammed Soliman vetää tiimiä, jossa on kansainvälisiä osaajia 14 maasta.
Good practices accelerate international recruitment
International recruitment to alleviate the talent shortage should take advantage of the experiences gained...
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Liikennenäkymä Helsingistä auton peilin kautta. Kauppakamarilehti 3/2023.
Traffic and pedestrian areas need to be balanced in central Helsinki
Companies are satisfied with the expansion of the pedestrian areas in central Helsinki as long as good...
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Kansainväliset osaajat, Kauppakamarilehti
Fixing the entire chain of work-based immigration
The processing of permits for work-based immigration is speeding up. However, the entire chain from the...
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